Facilitating Patient Payments with Consumer-Centric Tools

The Sirono Patient Financial Portal

Making it easy for guarantors to understand and fulfill their obligations—without help from your staff. 

Patients have become accustomed to the convenience and flexibility of self-service portals that facilitate online shopping. Our Patient Financial Portal is intuitive, informative, and has all the technological features consumers expect from a customer focused online experience.


When customers help themselves, billing agents have lighter workloads

The Patient Financial Portal makes it easy for every patient to understand and fulfill their financial obligations on their own. For every patient who answers their own questions or sets up their own payment plan, that’s one less call to your contact center.

Consolidated Financial Information

Making it simple to see an entire family’s charges

The Patient Financial Portal allows patients to view and manage their outstanding balances, documentation, and personal information. The interface is clean and easy to navigate—built according to user experience best practices, unlike the typical bolt-on healthcare portals. It consolidates all guarantor financial information in one screen, so the guarantor always knows what they owe in total for their whole family.

  • Aggregates guarantor financial information
  • Collects information across departments and health systems
  • Displays every dependent’s financial information
  • Shows initial estimates, final charges, and past activities
  • Enables insurance and demographics updating
  • Eliminates the confusion and inconvenience of multiple bills
  • Makes it easy for a guarantor to understand their family’s charges
  • Provides the transparency that builds trust and loyalty
  • Makes budgeting far more manageable
  • Simple, easy-to-use interface with modern, polished design
  • Projects a sophisticated, tech-savvy image

Self-Serve Payments, Plans and Answers

After a guarantor sees and understands their obligations, they can take action on their account and even make deposits on upcoming services. Payments can be made via debit, credit or bank account, just like online billpay systems that consumers use every day.

Guarantors can also set up their own payment plans within the guidelines of your healthcare organization. To make payments even easier, they can opt to receive automated reminders and notifications about payment activities through email or text messages. If patients have questions, they can access an online database and immediately find answers for common issues.  

  • Take action on charges for service
  • Make deposits on upcoming services
  • Pay online through credit, debit, and bank account
  • Self-serve payment plans within your organizational guidelines
  • Receive automated alerts and notifications for payment activities
  • Access an online knowledge base
  • Provide feedback on the patient experience
  • Enables self-service payment plan creation
  • Sets available options by organizational guidelines
  • Offers convenience and control to guarantors
  • Lightens staff workload and reduces operating costs

61% of millennial pay their bills online. Are you making it easy for them?

61% of millennial pay their bills online. Are you making it easy for them?

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